International Symposium on Transforming Waste Management: Circular Economy & Energy Sustainability

Symposium Themes:

  • Sustainable Practices: Advocating for a Greener Future
  • Circular Economy: Resource Efficiency for Sustainable Growth
  • Innovative Technologies: Showcasing Success in Waste-to-Energy
  • Knowledge Exchange: Fostering Interdisciplinary Collaboration
  • Policy Recommendations: Shaping the Future of Waste-to-Energy Integration
  • Enhancing Collaboration: Strengthening Partnerships for a Sustainable World

This symposium will include invited talks by prominent researchers, technical sessions, and group discussions in the above-mentioned areas. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

About the Symposium: The “International Symposium on Transforming Waste Management: Circular Economy and Energy Sustainability” aims to address the pressing social and environmental challenges associated with waste management. This symposium envisions fostering a comprehensive understanding of sustainable waste management practices and their role in promoting a circular economy. It seeks to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaborative efforts to develop innovative solutions for waste reduction, resource efficiency, and energy sustainability by bringing together academic experts, policymakers, industry leaders, and community stakeholders.

A key focus of the symposium is to highlight the gender dynamics in waste management. Recognizing that women often play a significant role in waste management at both household and community levels, the symposium will explore strategies to empower women and ensure their active participation in decision-making processes. By addressing gender inequalities and promoting inclusive practices, the symposium aims to create a more equitable and sustainable waste management sector.

Additionally, the symposium will explore the utilization of agricultural byproducts, such as cow dung, in waste-to-energy initiatives, demonstrating how these resources can be transformed into valuable energy sources. Overall, the symposium will contribute to the development of policies and practices that not only enhance environmental sustainability but also promote social equity and gender inclusivity in waste management.

Prof. K.K. Pant

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee


Mr. Rajendra Mehta

Chief Human Resource Officer Suzlon Group

Guest & Speaker

Prof. Blond Nadege

Faculty of Geography and
Planning University of Strasbourg

Guest & Speaker

Prof. Dhananjay Singh

Member Secretary,
Indian Council of Social Science Research

Guest & Speaker

Dr. Tripta Thakur

Director General National Power Training Institute

Guest & Speaker

Prof.Anuradda Ganesh

Director, ARANTREE Consulting Services Pvt Ltd, Adjunct Professor, IIT Madras

Guest & Speaker

Prof. Ajay Mahajan

Associate Dean for Research Industrial Engagement Mechanical Engineering/ Biomedical Engineering University of Akron

Guest & Speaker

Prof. Meenesh R. Singh

Dept.Chemical Eng, University of Illinois Chicago

Guest & Speaker

Prof.Vikram Vishal

Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Guest & Speaker

Dr. R. K. Malhotra

Director & Co-founder, Carbon U Turn Pvt. Ltd. President, Hydrogen Association of India

Guest & Speaker

Prof. Nimita Pandey

Dept. of Social Data Science and Policy, School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Amrita University, Faridabad Campus

Guest & Speaker

Prof. Bhoopesh Mishra

Department of Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL USA

Guest & Speaker

Ms. Kavita Dassan

Senior Vice President, Head of Talent Management & Employee Engagement, Suzlon Group

Guest & Speaker

Mr. S. K. Bose

Chief Executive Officer
Hydrocarbon Sector Skill Council

Guest & Speaker

Akansha singh

Director , Swayambhu innovative solutions Pvt Ltd

Guest & Speaker

Dr Lakshmi Ragupathy

Former Director M/o Environment Forests & CC Visiting Faculty TERISAS
Advisor Foundation for Innovative Packaging and Sustainability

Guest & Speaker

Prof. Anurag Garg

Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Guest & Speaker

Prof. Andallib Tariq

Prof. Andallib Tariq Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Roorkee

Prof. Akshay Dvivedi

Dept. of MIED
IIT Roorkee


Dr. Vishwajeet

Ramanujan Fellow
Dept. of MIED
IIT Roorkee


Prof. V. C. Srivastava

Dept. of Chemical Engg.
IIT Roorkee


Prof. Komal Tripathi

Dept. of Chemical Engg.
IIT Roorkee


Prof. Nikhil Dhawan

Dept. of Metallurgical &
Materials Eng.
IIT Roorkee


Prof. Pratham Arora

Dept. of Hydro and Renewable Energy
IIT Roorkee


Prof. Nagendra Kumar

Dept. of Humanities & Social Sciences IIT Roorkee

